The Radiosports Association develops cooperation through communications built upon DIY radio in order to build community, grow movement and educate others to build an infrastructure for IDEAS and ORGANIZATION. Local, regional, international.

Our foundation is :


From the mass censorship of 2019, to the the use of mobile devices for surveillance and social control, it is immediately understood that reliance on social media alone creates a single-point of vulnerability to organizing and operations that radio networking can mitigate. Having radio networks provides a layered, resilient solution for social networking and organizing. Radio networking provides communications free of the surveillance and evidentiary problems associated with networked, cellular commuications.


security key

Security is a control on a vulnerability. From the mass deplatforming event in 2019, Internet communucations were shown to be vulnerable to corporate whim and political faction Security is a defense and local radio networks provide an easy to build layer of security for your tribe, family or group.


networked group

Without communications, there is no organization. Communications security is the capability to communicate despite overwhelming censorship. Whether such communications are calls to meet somewhere or organize some activity, political broadcasts, operational communications, DIY radio bypasses gatekeeping and defeats censorship.


networked family

The Radiosports Association organizes radio and electronics education workshops, communications exercises (COMEX), first aid, wilderness survival and mutual aid networks for community resiliency. We promote experimentation and research into all forms of telecommunications with an emphasis on non-networked communications and Communications Security.